Do Not Reward Yourself with Food.

"I eat healthy and exercise, why can I not loose weight?"

This is what I hear the most as a personal trainer. I will have my client fill out a food log for 3 days and the diet isn't bad but there are inconsistent eating times, some vegetables but not enough and normally.... they aren't eating enough.

hashtag-gymlife: I don’t always follow pyramid training, but when I do, I use the bottom pyramid.:

They are so focused on calories that they are scared to eat more veggies because they'll waste all their calories on one Starbucks drink.

Skip the skimpy sandwich and have a giant veggie and quinoa salad - you'll feel fuller and loose weight.

The biggest problem is people that exercise more over value the amount of calories burned.
The think since they rode their bike around the neighborhood they can splurge and get an ice cream.


Menus Listing Exercise, Not Calories -to help when I'm craving those bad foods!:

I am not saying you can never have a cheat meal, but plan for it not reward yourself with it. And be aware of how much you are "cheating" because you might only be cheating yourself out of loosing that extra pound or two for the week.

The best thing is to REPLACE the splurge items with healthier versions and then allow those to be your extra calories for the week.

Honestly, if you eat clean and nutritious food all week it will not be hard to be the best version of you.

Check out the science behind a heavy veggie diet with Juice Plus.

Feel free to message me with any comments:


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